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Local Richmond Energy Cooperatives Offer Rebates For HVAC Services

Richmond Energy Rebates In this day and age of high energy prices, it is important for homeowners to take steps to increase the energy efficiency of their homes. The largest amount of energy that we use within our properties is consumed by our HVAC systems. As such, any change that you can make to your heating and air conditioning that will improve the efficiency of these systems can save a great deal of energy and money.

If you are interested in improving the energy efficiency of your heater or air conditioner, the first thing that you should do is contact a professionally licensed HVAC contractor. In Richmond, the most highly skilled and experienced Richmond heating and air conditioning contractors are at Madison HVAC/R, LLC With their help, you can vastly improve the energy performance of your heater and A/C unit.

Best of all, many of the changes that you can make can be subsidized by your local energy cooperative. The HVAC experts at Madison HVAC/R, LLC are can help you get all of the following rebates for the following services.

Duct Sealing Rebate

If you have a force-air central heating and cooling system within your Richmond home, much of the energy loss can occur in the duct work within your walls. At Madison HVAC/R, Inc., their Richmond contractors can help you seal the air ducts of your home. This will ensure that heated and cooled air arrives to all the rooms of your property in the most efficient fashion. Many local energy cooperatives offer rebates for having this service done, often times for as much as $250.

Heat Pump Retrofit

Another great change that you can make to your home that has rebates available is a heat pump retrofit. Heat pumps are highly advanced systems that can be used to heat and cool your property. Instead of using energy to heat or cool air, heat pumps work by moving energy from outside your home to its interior. This more passive process is far more efficient than traditional HVAC systems. Some local energy cooperatives offer a rebate of up to $1000 for replacing an existing electric furnace, baseboard heat, or ceiling cable heating system with a high-efficiency heat pump.

Installing ENERGY STAR Certified Air Conditioners

One of the simplest ways to qualify for an energy rebate is to install a ENERGY STAR certified central air conditioner into your Richmond home. Local energy cooperatives offer rebates around $300 for this project. As always, the Richmond heating and air conditioning contractors at Madison HVAC/R, Inc. can help you with this project as well as get you the maximum refund available. You are guaranteed to be satisfied with the results.

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If you are looking for Richmond energy rebates then please call 859-248-1280 or complete our online request form.

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